Monday, October 28, 2013

Madeline- Happy Birthday and Eye Surgery

We seem to have quite a few birthdays in the fall ;-)
Madeline turned 7 today! 
(Or maybe 6 ;-)
After seeing Mia's bike she wanted one of her very own, too!
Melissa's Birthday is next and guess what she will be getting ;-)
Now, don't go telling her!

We went to the Children's Theatre and saw
"Charlotte's Web"!
It was a wonderful play!
The children enjoyed it but I am not sure if the newbies could really follow along.
Usually I read the book and we watch the dvd but with moving that wasn't possible.
 Sorry I did not get any pics!

In the evening we went out for a "Make Your Own" Pasta Night!
It was a good day but because I am her Mom - I was preoccupied with what was going to happen the following day.

The next morning Madeline had eye surgery.
Hubby took her to the Phillips Eye Institute while I stayed with the other children.

She had a very large dense cataract removed. 
The surgery went very well and they were home by 3:30.

She had a tough time in the early evening but calmed down when Daddy carried her and rocked her.

Chicken noodle soup and some pain meds helped too!
She slept with us and didn't even stir!
She really needed the love and reassurance of her parents-
my heart breaks for the children that do not have parents...
that have no one to comfort them and reassure them that everything will be okay.

The next morning we returned to the Dr- her eye looks great and they are very hopeful she will have some sight in that eye!
This is amazing news because we were told that there was a good chance she would be blind in her left eye due to the size, the density and the length of time the cataract had been growing- they estimated since she was 6 months old.
We have been diligently patching that eye (along with praying for her vision) and we are so thankful it is working!!

We are having a joint family birthday party soon for our October and November birthday children!
Just trying our hardest to get the celebration in before the China trip!

Madeline is letting me do all the eye drops 6 times a day! 
She is handling it like a champ!

Praising GOD!

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