Sunday, October 20, 2013

Humbled by acts of kindness...

I have to post this but I am still jaw dropped in awe...

Because of all that is happening right now we have eaten out more than usual. 
Whether our pots and pans have been in a box or we just don't have the energy to cook or for what ever reason it may be we have tried to make meals as easy as possible.

4 times we have eaten at Macar*ni Grill.
Twice when we were in Orlando
and twice since we have been home.

The first time a very nice man named Bill bought all the children ice cream for dessert.
Bill was in Orlando for business, he is from California.
He was so moved by our children and by our adoptions that out of the kindness of his heart he wanted to do this for us.
I kept saying "thank you" to him but he kept saying-

This was one of the random acts of kindness that I alluded to in my previous post.
3 nights later we went back to the same restaurant and once again he did the same act of kindness.
It was such a surprise to us to have this happen twice!

After we were home and in the moving process we once again went to our local Macar*ni Grill.
The kids behave, they enjoyed the bread and the meal so we felt like it was a good family friendly place to go!

Before we even began to eat a woman came up to us (we had talked to her husband when they were leaving) and she gave us his business card.
She offered our family a free photography session with her husband.
And then 10 minutes later someone else walked up to our table and positively commented on our family.
How very kind of them!

Now today after church...
you guessed it!
We just didn't feel like cooking dinner so we were back at MG!

When our meal was over hubby said to the waiter, let me give you my credit card and he said
that won't be necessary...
your meal has been taken care of...


We were speechless...

GOD is so close to all of us!
He cares for us even when we don't know it.
I am in awe...
I have said before
that we have a renewed faith in people.
I will say it again.
The kindness that we have experienced has been jaw dropping.
could have moved these mountains,
the hearts of people,
found us a house
wrapped us in prayers by so many faithful friends from far and near!

We are so humbled and so thankful!

We want you to know that we are doing well.
Our faith is strong.
The children are happy!
We are looking forward to many positive posts and sharing new adventures with you!
(I have already written some of them!).
This is a huge job but God is doing it and we are thankful for HIS timing!
I am loving my growing
"get rid of pile"!

We continue to stand in awe of HIM!

Being the recipient of such kindness makes us want to give more. It is contagious!

If you ever feel nudged to do something kind for someone else- move forward.
You just may be an answer to their prayers!
GOD, knows what that person needs and his timing is perfect! 

Pay It Forward!
I know we will be doing that!

This is a pic of Sarah doing her back handspring!
She LOVES gymnastics!

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