Friday, October 4, 2013

For Goodness Sake. . .They're Children. . .Part 1

God has truly blessed us and we are so thankful to HIM!

He has turned an ugly situation into HIS perfect plan!
How could I have ever doubted Him!
As this story unfolds you will see how good our GOD is!

We have experienced hate, anger, discrimination, verbal abuse and racism.
We have been bullied, heckled, threatened, yelled at and cursed at. Fists have been waved in our direction and they have paced back and forth in front of our home while yelling words of hate.

They have targeted our children as well as us.

They have stood in front of our home and yelled-

"You have HIV in there,
You have Hep B in there,
You're going down,
You're out of control 
(BTW I don't think it's us that is out of control),
You have no idea what you brought to this country.
 I will do everything possible to stop your next adoption,
Those boys will never come home,
I'm filing charges against you and your child,
You're scum."

(Unfortunately all of the above is factually accurate. I wish it wasn't so...)

It is shameful what they have tried to do to our family.

Why am I posting about this?
To feel the needed support of others that have chosen a similar lifestyle.
To get support from others that respect our decision to bring home the children and our belief that every child should have a family.
To teach others that people should not be judged by their  disability whether it is visible or not.
To teach others that God created every one equal and that one person is not more worthy than another.
To diminish fear of certain medical diagnosis and promote education.

To warn others that hate, discrimination, abuse and racism are alive and well in America and it cannot be tolerated.
To support others that may be going through similar circumstances.
And most importantly-
To glorify God and to serve HIM.

My Husband and I are adults.
We know that some people will like us and some people will not.
That's okay.

But when the hate spills over to the children-
that's when we stand up and say

On February 26th, 2013 I posted on
 "Adopting HIV"
and another time I posted about manageable special needs including Heb B.
I also told my neighbor it would be good for her to get the children immunized.
Sometimes our children would play together.

I do not regret posting on
"Adopting HIV".
If even one person learned something it was worth it.
If even one more positive child came home, it was worth it.

Some people believe that this topic should not be shared.
We believe in our privacy but we also believe in educating others so they do not fear certain medical diagnosis's.
We don't share who has what diagnosis to protect each child.
Whoever they play with is SAFE, just as the rest of our family is safe. 
We also believe that children with HIV are treasures and have contracted this virus through no fault of their own.
They are victims and it is important to
through hate and discrimination.

They are innocent children.
An adopted child is no different than a birth child. 
When they have a family they are deeply loved by that family and protected by their parents.
Plain and simple-
We love our adopted kids just as much as we love our birth children.
We love our adopted children just as much as 
 love your birth children.
We will protect them from harm.

It seems that a few new readers may have looked at previous posts to gain
information with the intent to hurt us.

We have been advised to do many things to protect our children.
File a Formal Complaint to the MnDHA
File harassment charges
Notify the Media regarding the hate, anger and discrimination directed towards special needs adopted children.
Notify those that advocate for children who are mentally challenged.
File a complaint in regards to the MN Fair Housing Act- our rights as home owners are being violated and they are trying to force us out of our house.
Sue them for money lost on the sale of our home if that is what we are forced to do (it's gonna be a lot of money).
File a complaint with the MN Dept of Human Services regarding the blatant discrimination of individuals with special needs.
Check into the due diligence of the Hippa Law- Anyone that is in the medical or dental profession knows that every individual has the right to privacy in regards to their medical records. 
(I will share with you in the next post how our rights were violated by an individual that has an obligation to uphold profession standards whether she was at work or not at work).

They have violated the 1983 Civil Rights Action as they have parade up and down our street yelling what special needs our children have.

Will we do any... some... or all of these things?
We don't knowWe are praying about what we should do.

We want our children protected and safe from harm.
We want their rights and the rights of other special needs children to be upheld.

We want to live peacefully and joyfully!
Everyday we want to focus on what is good and what is right.
We want to keep our eyes on Jesus and have thankful hearts.
We will not be poisoned by hate.
We want to love and serve the Lord.

Please pray for us and for our children.

Please pray for the hearts of those that are hardened and filled with hate.
They want to rule by instilling fear and intimidation.
Yet, we are not afraid because we know who is in control. 

Today in school we heard the story of Moses and how he went up to the mountain to pray. He was gone longer than usual and in that time many of the Hebrews decided to make an idol and pray to it.
Their hearts were hardened to God. They broke their promise to Him.

I asked the children if they could think of anyone else who's hearts were hardened to God.

Guess what they answered?

Your right...

Please pray for them...

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