Thursday, October 10, 2013

Guess What!

We will be moving!
We are in awe of our God!
HE has put ALL of the pieces together and the puzzle is complete!

How could everything fit together and come into place for this to happen?
We are just as surprised as you may be-
Our God works in amazing ways!

Nothing is impossible for HIM!

 HE has picked out the perfect place for our family!
And we are so very thankful!

We will have both homes for awhile and our address and contacts will stay the same 
our children will be able to freely play this winter and from then on!

Our move will be happen and be complete when our dear boys are HOME!

We're praising GOD!

Please know that 99.99999% of the people we meet and know are extremely supportive and very kind to us!
We have a wonderful community that has truly has embraced this large and fun family of ours.

Although it was very tempting to take some of you up on your invitation to be neighbors!
Oh, how I and we would LOVE that!
The children would have a blast- 
but not as much fun as we would have!

(Can't forget the stuffed animals!)

Even a partial moving is a HUGE undertaking!

Oh My Goodness!
But the children are really getting into it and they have been awesome helpers!

WE have been very blessed to have a wonderful friend help us pack and we will put these things into storage to prepare for the move.
So Thankful for our helpers!
Praising God for Karen!
We also have an incredible handyman!
Thank you Steve!

God has made his desires for our family clear and we are so thankful for HIS direction!

Keeping our eyes on HIM!

Can't wait to show you pics of where we will be going!
I think you will like it!

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