Tuesday, October 15, 2013

In Need of Organizing and Purging Tips!

We could use a little help here!

We have 12 hoarders in this family...
yes, I am counting myself...

The children have so many little itty bitty things that they think are so very important.
Such as a big rock and a little rock... That would be the Mommy rock and the baby rock.
Then there are bags from Justice because that would be there favorite store...
And of course in the bag is another bag of something very important like a toy from McDonalds and so on.
And then multiply that by 11!

Of course, I have a few tiny issues myself...
But we'll leave me out of this-
for now!
; - )

It's a little hard to get much done...
Let me explain my day to you-
get up
feed kids BKF
pack a couple boxes
oops need groceries- run to grocery store
feed kids lunch
pack another box
feed kids snack
pack a box
feed kids dinner
too tired to pack!

At this rate we should get this project done in the year 2016!

I need your purging tricks!
It's an emergency!

This just doesn't seem to be my natural talent.
I love a clean and organized home but I just don't like to be the one to do it.
I'm a little more like-
shut the closet door really quick so everything doesn't fall out!
Outta sight, outta mind!

we need your organizing and purging tips!

Looking forward to reading your comments!!

(Pics are from the last day of our Make A Wish trip!)

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