Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Why I Love Vanna!

She isn't particularly pretty but she has a nice look!

She gets me where I need to go!

She goes from 0-60, not saying how long it may take BUT she does it!

Everyone on the road wants to get around her! They see her coming and they step on the gas- anything not to be caught behind the big white family van! 
She doesn't care, she takes it like a champ!

Her only friends have writing on the side or carry criminals to the local jail!

Speed bumps are not her friend...

Conversation while riding in Vanna can be challenging- it's hard to hear what they are saying in the back seat.

Parking ramps USUALLY work! NOT ALWAYS! But usually!
She's 6'10" and I often find myself ducking (and praying) as we drive through the ramps!

I was just mentioning to hubby how our state has neglected their roads... he informed me that the roads were just fine... Hmmmmm?

There are a few empty seats in her... like ahhh, maybe 4!
Therefor she leave you wondering IF we may have something up our sleeve!?!

the best part of Vanna is she carries this crew!
We are all together!
We don't have to take 2 cars!
Even the big kids occasionally ride in her!

I would do it again in a heartbeat!
Cool is long gone but FAMILY is so IN!!

She even fits in the garage!
She's a keeper!!

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