Thursday, October 6, 2011

Surgery Done and Back Home!

Last night she had a late night snack before going to bed!
Apples from a local orchard and caramel!

This morning she was up bright and early ready to go!
Once we arrived I could tell she was getting a little nervous and wondering what the heck she got herself into! 
If she coulda backed out she woulda!
The surgery began at 9:00 and the dentist started.
The cavities were worse than originally suspected- so Thankful we got it done now!

Two of the teeth were abscessed and draining. They were beyond saving and they needed to come out right away. I can't believe she was not in more pain. If it were me I'd be demanding to see the dentist no matter what time of day or night it was! All of our children have such a high pain tolerance.
Another tooth was in the roof of her mouth- which is common with Cleft Lip/ Palate.
And then 4 new crowns for a grand total of 6 in her mouth! 
Yikes- who is this girls mother!!
She brushed twice a day but it looks like we are going to have to step it up a bit when it comes to oral hygiene.

For the next 2 hours after that the plastic surgeon worked on her. The bumped up her little nose and took away the puff of skin she had under it. They tried to give her nice lines like the rest of us.
The found out her upper lip muscles are not attached to each other, so that will be another surgery.

Her recovery was fast! Once I got there she settled down and ate two freeze pops and watched a show!
The next thing we knew we were heading home!

I do love this cuddly time!

So precious, so sweet!

And so short!

She's up, she's eating and she is playing with the kids!
So much for cuddle time!

Stitches out in a week! No activities for 2 weeks! 

Wish me luck, it's hard to keep this girl down!

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