Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What do ya think and a common occurrence at our house?!

As I write this Emma is doing my hair!
Life is good! 
I love it when the kids comb my hair!

Today Emma's gymnastic teacher told me it was not working having her in the class.
She is not able to keep up and do what the teacher asks.
I have A LOT of feelings about this. Not sure if I should accept it or fight back?
Not sure what is in her best interest?
She loves doing what the other kids do but it is obvious she cannot really do what they do...
Need a little more time to pray and contemplate...
Feel free to give me your opinion.

It seems that we are always having a birthday around here!
And this time is was my baby boy's birthday!

No, not Sam...
No, not Luke...
It's Johnny!
He turned 18... ouch! 18, really?
Where did the time go?

Honestly we just have so much fun when we are all together!
Sometimes we are all chatting and other times we break off into little groups and read stories, play on the computer, help in the kitchen, etc!
It's all good!

Once again it thrills me to have this crew together!
Littles and bigs!
We were missing our two Colorado boys ;-(

With temps in the 70's and 80's we decided to barbecue!
Dad had lots of helpers!

After Dinner it was time for the "cake picture"
Thank you Jesus!!

And just as Johnny inhaled to blow out HIS candles!

Everyone else beat him!
By the time Johnny tried to blow them out... the job was done!
He thought it was hysterical!

HaPpY 18tH bIrThDaY

And I'll end this with another Thank YOU Jesus!

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