Sunday, October 9, 2011

Going, Going, Gone

We have had lovely weather this fall! It has been absolutely beautiful!
The leave are changing fast and the winds are blowing them off the trees.
Sometimes it looks like it's raining leaves!

This weekend we were able to get out for a short walk and enjoy it!
80 degrees and partly sunny- we couldn't ask for much more!

This fall we were supposed to have the best colors in a long time but with 70's and 80's and no rain we lost some of our reds in the maples.
I'm still not complaining!

The sumac did not let us down!
They were every color imaginable!

Fall is my favorite time of year! The children are loving it and amazed at what they see!
Of course they want to collect and save every leaf they find!

I find God's creation amazing, breath taking and exhilarating!

The other night Anna slept between us! 
It was so cuddly, so wonderful, so precious... and then she wet the bed!
I love it! Never a dull moment and always a story to tell when you have children!

FYI- I moved her closer to Daddy just 10 minutes earlier!
I love that Momma's intuition!!

This boy is so excited for his brother! He says he is going to carry him all around- I wonder how big or little he thinks Luke is?? I don't think he'll be carrying him anywhere! There's only about a 7 pound difference between the two boys!

Our walk was short because little Anna is not up to par and we didn't want to push her.

It is quite fun with this crew! Everyone has been home long enough to have a sense of humor and we find ourselves laughing a lot! 
It's a good place to be!

It amazes me how leaves can be both red and green at the same time!

This little guy ran and ran and... then took a spill!
It looked like it hurt- poor dear.
2 skinned knees and 1 skinned elbow.
He needed lots of bandaids!

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