Monday, October 10, 2011

Are You My Mother... UPDATED!

Look at the faces of these dear children...
Sweet boys that have waited so, so long for a family...
I really can't imagine any child w.a.i.t.i.n.g...
for what should be rightfully theirs.

This little boy was born in 11/2001. He is smart, has great fine motor coordination and likes soccer!
I just think he is so handsome!
* Just got word from the agency! They have video on him and he is an incredible 9 yr old boy!! I know he is very talented! he was a drummer for the program, which I think is on the video!
Seriously- just imagine him as an adult-

And this absolutely delightful little guy was born in 6/2005. He has downs syndrome but does not have any heart issues. Please read more about him on my sidebar!
There is something very special about him- his smile lights up his whole face!

This guy is sooo good looking! 
He was born 4/2007! He is talkative, busy, smart and organized!
He has a heart issue and is small for his age.

*Updated!! This little guy above is MATCHED!!
ThanK you Jesus!

He was born in 4/2005. He is smart, polite and clean!
He loves to play with the nannies and the children!
He has a repaired cleft spine and repaired hydrocephalus. Yet he can go up and down stairs, jump on one foot and balance!
What a joy he will be to his new family!
Could it be your family?
He is so adorable!

This little guy was born in 1/2005. He has a repaired heart issue and is doing very well! He speaks well and enjoys playing with other children. He is kind to younger kids! He is a leader in the orphanage and wants very much to have a Mom and a Dad!
God Bless this dear boy!!

What incredible kids! Each one of them would be a blessing to their family! 
If you have adopted before, you know what I mean and if you haven't please consider embarking on this amazing journey!

It is so incredible!

I want to fall to my knees in gratefulness to our God!
In fact...
I often do...

Oh please, put the word out and bless these dear children with a forever family!

(dang... I should have got the 15 passenger version of vanna!)

Please contact Kelly at CHSFS!
(see sidebar)

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