Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ava's VERY Good Day and VERY Bad Day!

Ava came to us like many orphans with a very very short haircut. I am sure it was easy to maintain when there were many children, cooler in the heat and bug free! She still looked adorable but wanted desperately to grow it out!

We were all so excited for her to get her first real girlie haircut!
I really didn't know what they were going to do but I knew it was time to get the shagginess trimmed up!

She loved the whole process! For her it was pampering at it's best!!

And Oh My, we were not disappointed with the results!
She is such a sweet little girl!

And adorable!

BUT then the story changes... Ava went to her Mommy with a loose tooth...
A very very loose and hanging tooth.
The Mommy- I don't know who this woman is ;-)
Decided it should come out! So she, oh. so. gently. pulled it! 
And whoola, the tooth was out!

Which made Ava- very very very mad!
She never wanted to lose her tooth... E.V.E.R!
In fact she had previously announced to the whole family that "said tooth", was going nowhere!

If you look closely you can see the steam coming out of her ears!

There were many tears...

It took a lot of conversation and many hugs and kisses for Ava to forgive her mother!

BUT then the nighttime came and everyone was so excited for the tooth fairy- Lil miss Ava forgot all about being mad at her Momma!!

Both Anna and Ava had teeth to put under the pillow!
It was a very exciting night!

They had it all planned out!! Sam was going to stay up all night and catch the tooth fairy!
He is a very sneaky kind of guy!

And very cute, too!
He failed... sleep overcame him...
 and well once again the very beautiful and wise tooth fairy got away ;-)

There she is with her missing tooth! She has already come to her mean ol' Mom once again with 2 more loose teeth!!
Better run Ava- you know what I do with loose teeth!

The tooth fairy did arrive (thank goodness we remembered this time)! And everyone was very happy with their earnings!! $2- all to themselves!!
Anna's teeth were from her surgery!

She forgot to tell her Momma that her teeth had been under her pillow for a week... and couldn't figure out why that silly tooth fairy didn't show up! Hmmmm?

Then they asked me- "What does the tooth fairy do with the teeth?"


Hello, can ya help me out here!!

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