Thursday, December 5, 2013

"THANK YOU" Prayer Warriors!

The time in China is nearing an end.
I will have a few posts close together to share all that is happening!
You may want to check the post after this one- you may have missed it!

What a wild ride it has been!
After losing Jim's sister in July our world felt...
We still struggle with that loss.
I actually look forward to the time when we can think about her and talk about her without crying.

She would have followed us every step of the way.
If I had missed a day blogging- I would have gotten a text!
She would have sent us cookies.
How blessed we have been to have had her in our lives!

So much has happened this year.
More than we could humanly do...
We gave it all to HIM and just kept moving forward.

HE did it ALL and blessed us along the way!

The blessings have been jaw dropping amazing!
yes you, 
were there with us,
 every step of the way!

For your prayers, for your kind and encouraging words!
You have made a difference to us and to our two new little boys!

Excuse me!
Joey... over here!

Good boy!!
You are both under arrest for being "too cute"!
Your sentence will be life in MN with your forever family!

Getting these two precious children home is a milestone for us.
It's a time for us to exhale, regroup and enjoy the many blessing from God!

We are so thankful for your prayers sustaining us while Hubby was in China
and while I have been at home.
We believe it was the right decision for our family.
The children at home are doing very well and life has continued on with Mommy right there for them!
They are all at a good place!
(Today is Emma's last day of school- so that may be hard on her but she seems to be handling everything just fine right now.)
 They are excited to meet their two new brothers "in person"!

 There is still more to do than we can possibly do... so once again we will give it to God!

Thankfully he wants all our stress, anxiety, to do lists, busy schedules and variety of feelings!

Ben's trying to wink! 
So cute!
Why do they do the peace sign?
No reason that I know of!
 It's kind of a coming to the USA thing to do and I am guessing the nannies told them too!
Maybe to make them more appealing or to somehow communicate PEACE!

The guys in China are having their last sleep right now!

Tonight Hubby will call be from Beijing- 
before they board the long flight to

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