Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Doing It Different In 2013!

It's time for this family to do things differently.

It is partially a necessity due to our very large size but even more than that it is our desire.

I love candles, especially safe candles in glass jars!
I love the smell of Christmas all around us or even the smell of the current season we are blessed with!

I have felt for quite awhile that God has been calling us to 
"do it differently".

To center this blessed time of year on
and the best gift of all!


For many years I was unwilling to change from the status quo...

This was how my mother did it and therefore this is how we will do it...

But if I remember correctly my dear Momma was not happy with the status quo...
I think she would have loved changing it up a bit and feeling the love and joy of Jesus at this blessed time!

This is our year to make the changes!
God has set up the perfect scenario for change!
5 new kiddos celebrating their first Christmas.
Two have just joined our family and they don't even know their new siblings names.
We now live in a country setting with no one that cares what decorations are up... or not.

This is an opportunity we do not want to pass up!
A chance to show our children what is really important at this time of year.

I would love to shop and shop for them
With 2 new treasures and the Holidays among us,
I am not at liberty to leave and shop.
And I do not have a vehicle to bring all of our children in the stores and shop with them.
My time away from the children is taken up with Dr and dentists appointments. 

In fact we haven't even meet Santa Claus because we all can't fit in the car...

This is a special year...
A year to make changes and possibly a year to make improvements!

It is a blessed year
but one would have to look at it through the eyes of GOD to say that!

Because it has also been a very

Our changes include...
less decorations.

Joey loved that balloon
BUT surprise surprise... it popped one day!
No, it wasn't me that did it BUT I did think about doing it!

We were just happy to have gotten a tree and to have put it up this year!

In the end we were very happy with the results!
Next year we will try a bigger tree ;-)

Melissa's stocking was on back order- it has arrived now and it's up!
I know that is pretty lame garland on the mantle but it was all I could find!

Katie and Andrew sent us an advent calendar from Germany and we are counting down the days!

We will not be seeing extended family this year because our children are too new and excitable. 
Next year all of our big kids will be home and we look forward to getting together with our extended family!

 Baking is at a minimum...
We are just fixing a few of our favorites.

Except we have run into a few issues...
The Hubby and the Momma have been sneaking fudge from the stash.
It looks like we will have to make more!

We went to a few plays before the boys got home but now we do not fit into any vehicle so as a family we are homebound!
The good news is Sylvia will be ready this week or next week for pick up!
Praise GOD!
We will all be able to ride together once again!

We are still in survival mode here at our house and we have found that if the parents are happy the children are too!

So for now we are focusing on just doing what we can do and being happy about it!

I hope that even if next year is an easier year we will keep our new traditions 
continue to simplify! 

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