Thursday, December 5, 2013

Meanwhile... Back at home!

I am posting more often than usual just so the timing is right when everyone comes home!
You may want to check the previous post just in case you missed it!

Our dear friends brought us donuts from our favorite bakery!
And a latte for me!
What a treat!

Cori is our Katie's BFF! 
They have been friends since... the day Cori was born and Katie was 9 months old!
Mary Jo and I have been friends since... 1984 when they moved into the neighborhood before the girls were born!
God definitely planned that!

It was such a joy to visit with them!

Thank goodness for rainbow looms!
Auntie Barbie bought them for the children in August and it was such a hit!
My job is to buy MORE rubber bands!

We have about 7 looms now and they are all loving it!

Plus they are getting quite good at it!
So many different designs!
And great for fine motor, pattern making and following (and remembering) directions!

A friend asked about the patches.
Melissa is weaning off the patch!
She wears one less than 2 hours a day, totaling 10 hours a week!
Once she is done with the patches she can decide IF she wants to where glasses or not!
I am guessing she will not wear them since she forgets them frequently!

Madeline's vision has been nothing short of a miracle!
She has 20/40 vision in her bad eye. 
The eye that she was going to be blind in!
We are patching now to improve that even more- if possible!
She wears her patch only 14 hours a week!
She will also be weaning off her patching in March!

Sarah has mastered most of the rainbow loom designs!

They all love doing it, wearing it and hanging out together!
It gives me a moment to get other things done after homeschooling!

Emma has been very happy and peaceful lately!
She is such a sweet girl!

I love how they have to work together and share!

Your prayers have been a blessing to us!
This time without Hubby and the boys has gone relatively fast- 
so thankful!
We just focused on a moment at a time!

We have also made a list of-
How we can help the boys adjust.
(and how we can help Mom with 2 new boys- shhhhh!)
I can explain some of them at a later time ;-)

I don't encourage tattling BUT reporting does work for me!

The picture does not show the size of the snow flakes- they were huge and beautiful!

I am driving Hubby's Yukon here.
Vanna does not have her snow tires on- we just didn't get around to it...

This morning the snow was coming down rapidly...
We decided to go to the play "Llama Llama Holiday Drama" that we had tickets too.

It started 1/2 hour late due to weather.

It was a white knuckle drive for this Momma
for everyone else on the road.

 We went straight home after the play.
It was scary driving!

It doesn't look like much but we got 5 inches.
There was ice underneath the snow which made driving treacherous!

Yes, it is pretty when you are in the house!

That would be... Mark's car!
Looks like it won't be getting a car wash and full tank...
We'll scrape off the snow and warm it up for him!

Loving the view!

Winter is here to stay!
The temp will be dropping down to single digits and below zero at night-
 Welcome home Hubby and Boys!
And if you think we should move to Florida, now is a good time to talk about it!

Emma made this in her art class at school!
It is a pottery box!
Good job Emma!
Today was her last day at school.
She did very well but with all the nervousness and excitement at home she had some tears in the evening.
I wish she could continue on at this school...
But we have moved and now we need to have her make the change too...
She will be home with us for awhile before we enroll her.

The children were desperate to play outside!
We don't have the proper mittens and hats for everyone but we made due!
Many things are in storage and Hubby recommends that I don't go to storage...
I may get lost and they may NEVER find me!

He knows me... I'm listening to him and staying OUT of storage!

The dogs are in heaven!
They love the children, bigs and smalls and they are loving the attention they are getting and the room to roam!

So much fun playing in the snow!

Next pics at home will include two more sweet boys!
Yipppeeee Jesus!

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