Thursday, December 19, 2013

In Need Of...

 A roll brush!

This little boy LOVES his doggies!

And the doggies are loving him
and all the attention they are getting!

In fact they are getting a bit spoiled!
Because when he is not with them,
they bark for him to come back!

He is usually covered in dog hair!
And of course it took me forever to find a roll brush 
finally I found one!
I will be needing a new one soon!

We played Christmas music through the computer while we make the fudge… 

Yes, that would be the fudge that is completely gone now because Hubby and I have no self control when it comes to chocolate!

Ben liked seeing his family up on the screen!
A family filled with Ge Ge's(big brothers), Jie Jie's(big sisters), Mei Mei's(little sisters) and Di Di's(little brothers… all of them without names… except Mark ;-)
There are bonuses to traveling for your new little brothers!
They will always be very attached to him!
( I even get called Jie Jie sometimes… although that is a compliment- I do need to remind them…
that I am their MOMMA!)

Yes, we have a bit of work to do regarding names of the siblings!
(and the Mother)

The boys have now been to the pediatrician- standard checkup and a few immunizations along with the flu shot.
We discovered Joey does not like shots… and that he is very strong for 30 lbs!
The dentist visit went well!
Ben will need a few crowns, an extraction of an extra front tooth, and a few fillings.
Joey's teeth are fine…
I need to repeat that-
Joey's teeth are perfect- no decay or current issues.
Thank you Jesus!

Then we went to Ben SB clinic appt.
It was educational for me.
We are switching him to only one new brace on the weak left leg, nothing on the right.
He will have many tests coming up in the near future.
PT will start in January. 
It will be mostly for his good side and other core muscles but not his weak side which surprised me.
Because of the permanent nerve damage from the spina bifida his left lower leg is as it is and will most likely not improve.
He will also have a small lift in his left shoe to even out his legs.
He will be fitted for a wheelchair for long excursions in case he needs to rest.
And we did get our handicap sticker for Ben.
The snow, getting in and out of the car and the fast pace this family keeps is challenging for him.
We are very thankful to have that for safety issues for all the children BUT most importantly to help Ben manage his new environment.

We are done with the first set of DR appts. 
After Christmas we will begin tests, therapies, dental repairs, etc!

Praising God that these two sweet boys are "home sweet home" and that we are all adjusting to family life with 13 amazing children!

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