Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Target Practice!

Their latest purchase were two nerf guns!
No pearls, no jade, no chopsticks, no porcelain, no purses. . .
Just nerf guns!

And they had target practice!

I am just thankful they are not shooting them at each other...
and if they were...
I don't want to know!

In the evening they had dinner with our friends!

Cathy and Lee Lee!

Ahhhhh. that would be my son with his tongue out, again...
I think they are sending me these pics to prepare me!

I know I said the other pic like this would
I was wrong...
I am hoping this is the last one!

Joey broke a few of the toys they had in the room (his nerf gun and beach ball).
Ben let him know that was not okay!
Ben keeps Joey in line!

I think it is so cute and so funny when they do that!
I remember Ava and Sam going at it like they were an old married couple!

We have had Ben for 2 weeks. He is saying many English words! 
Joey has been ours for one week now!
He has improved behavior wise- immensely but there are still many more things we will be working on! He listens to his Babba now and will do what he says.

The four of them are really bonded! Joey is always sitting on Hubby's lap! he is sad when he "gets into trouble", he recovers fast when he is sad and he looks to hubby for approval!
All good signs!
 I'm looking forward to meeting our boys in person!

Skyping has been wonderful!
We do it twice everyday- morning and night!
We skyped tonight and took a tour of the house!
They liked their bedroom, the kitchen and the doggies!

Now, they are talking about coming home on a plane to America!
I can't wait to hug and love on these two little boys!
They are definitely going to be wonderful additions to our family!
Praising GOD!!

They are at the Consulate Appointment right now! Yahoooooo!

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