Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Best Kind Of Homecoming!

We tried to homeschool on Friday but some of us had focusing issues...
That would be ME!
I / we were so excited and nervous that we could hardly contain ourselves!

So we ran errands and had lunch out!

And then a few more errands 
dinner out!

Then they called us from Detroit and they had landed!
Customs went smoothly but their next flight was delayed by one hour...

So we used old boxes to make welcome home signs!
The temps outside were frigid!

It was so much fun to see the signs they created!

This is Anna's sign!
A glimpse into Anna's world!

This is Luke's welcome home sign!
It makes this homeschooling Mom proud!

And then it was time to leave... for the airport!

Friends met us there with signs and balloons!

They've landed!

Once we saw that we could hardly control ourselves!

Sarah kept saying- there they are!
Not funny Sarah!
Mia is a blurr because she was so excited she couldn't stand still!

We greeted just about everyone from the Detroit to Mpls flight!
They were happy to have a welcoming party!

It was so so so exciting!

We watched carefully to try to see them come down the escalator.  We had to bend way down! Everyone wanted to be the first to see them, including me!

The children got
lower and lower!

The big kids were more peaceful, mature, contained then the rest of us ;-)

And then we saw them!!
From that moment on everything was a blur!

It all happened so fast!
Emma was first to run and get a hug from her big brother!

It was so wonderful to hug this dear boy for the very first time!
So happy my friend got a pic of this!

The children were amazed at their new brothers!
Joey is tiny - smaller than we imagined!
He is 5 years old but the size of a 2-3 year old.
He ran around trying to keep his size 4 sweat pants from falling down!

It is such a blessing to have these dear boys HOME!

And Joey is the little boy behind the white balloon!

This was all to exciting for him!
Once again he is trying to smile!

I'm not sure what I was doing- maybe looking at pics I had just taken!

The big boys are talking it all in!
Soon they will be all playing together!
Little boys LOVE big boys!
They speak the same language!
Let's wrestle like puppy dogs!

Sarah is thrilled to have her new little brother home!
He weighs 30 lbs- super light and easy to carry!

So thankful to have them in my arms!

guess who pushed all the buttons!

They loved being HOME!
This little guy loves, loves, loves the dogs!
And he is very gentle with them!

Everyone was so excited to show the boys around the house!

Joey was quite peaceful when we came home.
Much more so than I expected.

Sam was so helpful to the boys!
He is thrilled they are home!
They just settling right in very quickly!

Our two 7 year boys!
Everyone went to sleep at 12:00 and slept to 8:00!
The new boys LOVE their beds!
Actually I could have said about 15 loves in that sentence!
I have never see two children so thrilled about their very own big beds!
Joeys bed was a cage and Ben's bed was a toddler bed on the floor.

Thanking God for bringing my 4 boys safely home!

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