Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Only 3 More days!

My heart is soooo ready for them to come home!
I am completely in love with these two... I mean three boys!

He has been told that he "CANNOT stick out his tongue".
So he is practicing smiling instead!
Good, good, good boy!

They went to the zoo with the group.
The group is HUGE!
Two greyhound busses - that kinda huge!
So many nice families bringing home their treasured children!
God is so good!

So many "firsts" are happening right now in this little boys life!

I love that my boys are in the same shirt!
In the orphanage Joey never wore the same clothes as the other children...

I don't know if you have noticed but he has truly earned the name Joey.
 He is a dickens!
Previously, he was Joseph... he's going to have to earn that name back ;-)
Both Jim and Mark are very happy with his progress!
The Momma at home is thankful for his progress!
They tell me that I will get the "new and improved version" of our Joey!

He gives me tons of kisses on Skype while sitting on his Babba's lap!

Hubby and Mark are doing such a great job with our little guys!

And calling them(Hubby and Mark) "hermits" did not go over well!
No siree!
(personally, I think they are getting out more because I called them that... 
but we'll just keep that between us!)

They are outdoorsy, active, real men!


The consulate appt is done and they are . . . 
. . . ready to come home!

It is such a joy seeing these two having FUN!

AND being loved!

However, we need to keep our holiday and life in general plans "low key".
It has been a busy and wild ride...
7 years and 13 children, later!
Praising GOD for HIS abundant blessings!

As a family we need to take a deep breath and regroup.
We need to somehow find a rhythm and new normal to our everyday life.

We have no doubt it will happen!

God always does this, in HIS time!

Once they get home we have Dr appts. galore!
There are many questions to be answered.
Ben was born with spina bifida and has not had any recent tests done.
He will most likely begin physical therapy in January.
They have already reserved a spot for him.
Many of our children have therapies of some sort - whether it is speech, OT or PT.
So thankful we have such wonderful therapists to help the children!

Thank you for praying us through this adoption.
We are so grateful!
Your prayers have made a difference!

Mark is ready to come HOME and get back to his real life.
He has asked me to "start his car" and "warm it up" once they land in Detroit . . .
excuse me . . .
we live in Minnesota!
I think you might run out of gas IF I do that!
A car wash and a full tank may have been mentioned, too!

IF I can get around to it... he deserves it!

Only 3 more days!

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