Saturday, December 28, 2013

Our Christmas Sledding Story...

What a happy sight!
Ben was ecstatic- so genuinely amazed at this gift!

The children were so thrilled to have their very own sled!
FINALLY, they didn't have to share!

Each sled had "their name" on it!
The were cheering with joy!

And the plan was to go sledding in the afternoon!

Christmas day was perfect!

A fresh 4 inches of new snow on top of the already 5 inches that we had!

Partly cloudy with the sun peeking through!

25 degrees!


We have two great hills at our new place!

One is a gentle hill in the back yard and the other is a bit more thrilling on the side yard!

Hubby and Mark were strategically placed at the top and the bottom of the hill to help the children!

I took pics from inside and watched the joy on the children's faces!

 I saw a few collisions but they seemed to all be doing well…

What a great Christmas activity!

Mark had to hop out of the way a few times for an in coming sled!

Things were beginning to happen that I was not aware of…

Outside the children were hearing loud cracking noises…

their brand new sleds…
were cracking and falling apart underneath them…

Ben laid at the bottom of the hill and cried as he looked at his very broken brand new sled…

I was oblivious to what was happening but Mark and Hubby were living it…

the sleds
each time another child cried…

Hubby and Mark did the best they could partnering kids up to once again SHARE!

very soon there was only
 one unbroken sled left…
Anna's sled...


Thank goodness the children all rallied and still had fun outside!
The rest of the day was fun and joy filled.

The event was a bit unfortunate but funny to think about now!

It is certainly a memory we will keep for a long time and one that we will laugh about as we look back on 
the Christmas of 2013!

It's kind of a shocking "sled" sight to see, isn't it!

The remnants are all in Daddy's car now and they will be returned to
Targ*t soon!

there is redemption in this story!

The children each got shovels for Christmas too!

The next day they went outside to play and used their shovels as sleds!

Way to problem solve kids!

Good job improvising!

Look at Madeline go(on the right)!
These pics make me laugh!

So glad they did not let the situation get them down for long!

If there is fun to be had… they are having it!

I see survivors!

I love your creativity and positive attitudes!

We did get new sleds and the children are loving them!
Our new home even has a dryer in the mudroom- perfect for drying wet mittens and hats!
Blessed and Thankful!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013!

This was sent to us by Katie and Andrew! 
It is a German tradition!
On Christmas Day the children had to find the pickle on the tree! The one who found it got a gift! 
Except at our house - Anna, Sam, Sarah and Mia were each certain they all found it first!
Being the Mom of many and knowing that fairness is a huge issue we divided the gift between all of the children!
It was a huge chocolate Santa from Germany!

This adorable Santa is a gift from Katie and Andrew!
It looked beautiful on our tree and I placed it nice and high for safety!

We skyped with Katie, Andrew, Billy and Kelly on Christmas day!
Billy and Kelly went to Germany for the holidays!

Baby Girl Burgess is getting bigger!
Katie will be visiting us in MN in January!
We can't wait to feel baby girl move and to hug our sweet girl!
(Wish Andrew and Penny could come home too)

Billy and Kelly celebrated with us a few days before Christmas before they left for Germany!

The little children absolutely love these guys. Billy and Kelly often come over just to see them and play with them!

On Christmas Eve we got dressed in our holiday clothes went to 6:00 church!
We deliberately avoided the busy 4:00 service in which seats are hard to find and there is an abundant crowd.

The girls loved their matching holiday dresses!
Thank you Tea Collection!

The boys were adorable in their plaids!

And the big girls were in black and grey.
They are such lovely girls!
We are so blessed to have them in our family!

A little TV time to keep the crew calm!

The kids are playing lots of games now- uno and mancala are their most recent favorites!

Last round of formal pics and then OFF to church!
Thanks Dad for taking the pic!

Our boys on Christmas Eve- missing Matt, Billy and Andrew.

It was snowing and absolutely beautiful outside, a perfect winter scene!
The kids had to run around in the driveway and let the snow fall on them before getting into Sylvia!
Joey is in there- hiding!
The service was wonderful and the church was full but not overly crowded!

Then jammies on and a late Christmas Eve dinner.

We have to divide up-
Bigs at the large round table,

Little girls at the little table and little boys at the counter!
Johnny thought this table looked like fun so he joined them!

We had an excited crew on Christmas morning!

We kept the gifts to a manageable amount this year!

Everyone got close to the same gifts.
This way there were no disappointed children!

We were surprised to see the evidence that Santa Claus actually visited our home!
Crumbs on the plate and a dash of unfinished milk!

It worked!
They all got new jammies, bath and bodyworks(shower gel, lotion and sparkle spritzer for the girls), sleds, shovels for outside play and holiday candy.
(We have lots of toys already!)
Auntie Mimi sent us a wonderful gift for our school and Auntie Barbie and Kim(Kelly's Mom) gave the children a gift too!

There will be a separate Christmas sledding post coming soon!

After a turkey dinner we had  Jesus's birthday cake!

After the cake we watched a wonderful Christmas movie!
"A Golden Christmas"
It was predictable, happy and fun to watch together!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

We ended the evening with singing Happy Birthday to Jesus!

It was a blessed family time together!

Matt and Caitlin will arrive tonight- YAY!!