Tuesday, March 26, 2013

You WILL Lose!

Dear Winter,
I am sorry to say this BUT you don't stand a chance...
I know you are giving it your all and trying so hard to win.

BUT, spring will prevail and the snow WILL melt.

They are already taking off the winter jackets for their fleece jackets.

Snow pants, hats and mittens are no longer a requirement to play outside.

And as soon as it gets a little less sloppy outside the boots will be gone, too!

So why don't you just give up!
(oh , please give up)

You have worn out your welcome...

Pics are from last week. We have less snow now but it's still not completely gone...

Temp will be in the 40's at the end of the week- looking forward to the 50's!
The air is smelling like spring and the birds are singing!
Praise God for the change of seasons!

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