Saturday, March 2, 2013


Sam and Luke were playing downstairs...

Sam was dragging Luke by his left arm...

You guessed it...

Little Luke came upstairs crying,
his left arm laying limp by his side.

He calmed down quickly and we had him rest and watch TV(distraction),
while his Momma observed...

Ya never know, what is really going on but after a half hour he still did not want to move that left arm.

So I took 10 children to church while Hubby took one very special little boy to urgent care.

They waited a long long time but in the end they got a great pediatric doctor who diagnosed Luke with a dislocated elbow. 

The doctor put it back in place with little effort 
BUT a bit of pain for our sweet boy.
Within 15 seconds he was moving his arm ALL OVER THE PLACE and back to normal!

He is doing great now!

We will need to be careful of that left arm for quite awhile.
Once this has happened it can easily happen again.

We prayed for him during church and are so thankful he is doing so well!

He is so cute! He told all the everyone at the urgent care how it happened.
(BTW Anna was there too... )

He is such a wonderful blessing to us!

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