Monday, March 4, 2013

Another Teenager in the House!

It's Sarah's 13th Birthday!

Once again "they are growing up too fast"!
I just can't believe that she is already 13 and has been home for 4 plus years...

It's getting harder and harder to get a "good" pic of everyone... in fact I think it is near impossible at this point!

This one works for me!
At least it looks like they are all having fun! 

 Everyone wanted a front row seat when it came to the gift opening!

Sarah is an amazing daughter! She is such a blessing to us!

All the children made cards for her!

And Sam of course taped his shut!

 Now that she is a teenager, we gave her a manicure and pedicure with Mom!

I am as excited to go as she is!

And she really wanted GREEN tennis shoes!

I was so happy to find them (on sale) and they even fit her!

And two outfits from her favorite store!

Her two Aunts got her lip gloss and 2 gift certificates!
(yes we will be working on Melissa's smile for pictures! She is so adorable but doesn't quite know what to do for the pictures!)

This was our first gathering with a few extra guests. The children did very well - my sister and sister in law where helpful throughout the evening! AND understanding when the lasagna was not ready when planned!

It was a bit overwhelming for the three new girls, especially Mia. She flitted around and hid here and there. She can be very shy at times and was not able to greet our guests- she couldn't even make eye contact with them.
It kind of explains how she was when we first met her- she is NOT shy now but she is with strangers.

Her big brothers got her two new books!
AND high liters- to high lite the words she doesn't know!
What a great idea!!

If you have any other reading recommendations for Sarah- please leave them in the comment section!
She is at a third grade level. She reads by herself and I read to her (which is my favorite)!
We read Sarah Plain and Tall together and loved it!

 Sarah LOVES gymnastics and the colors GREEN and BLUE!

The traditional birthday picture! 
Oh My, how I love these children!
(and the ones not pictured- Matt, Caitlin, Katie and Andrew) 

Look out for the little girl on your right!

Making her wish!

6 boyfriends!

Happy Birthday Sarah!
God Bless You!!

If you can- would you wish her a Happy Birthday in the comments!
Tomorrow is her real birthday- so I will read then to her then!

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