Friday, March 1, 2013

Passionate about...

Feed My Starving Children!

We have not been able to do it as much as we have wanted too 
but this last Friday our homeschool group had openings!

I decided to bring Sarah, Ellie, Mia and Ava because I thought the could keep up with the pace!

The four girls we very excited to volunteer!

 I had a moment of panic... oh my, we have the whole station to ourselves?
Can we do this?

Once we got ourselves situated- they did an awesome job!
I was SO proud of them!

We had a lot of fun and made a bit of a mess!

Mia is a take charge kind of girl- very competent!
She had two jobs, Sarah had two jobs and I had two jobs!
(some of the kids could barely reach their jobs BUT they stood on their tippy toes and did it!)

We were able to get it all done and I must say we did a GREAT job!

When it was done, we prayed over the boxes of food- I love that part!

Oh Heavenly Father please protect this food and allow it to reach those that so desperately need it!
Please protect those that deliver the food.
In Jesus name - Amen!

Of course we brought home M&M's to eat for everyone and the containers we refill with quarters and bring them back to FMSC!

It is such a privilege to serve our Lord!

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