Friday, March 29, 2013

Beautiful Boys!

These special boys weigh heavy on my heart.
So adorable 
so needing the love of a family.

They wait and wait and no one chooses them.
They watch their friends leave 
 they have to stay in the orphanage.

Please look at these pictures and prayerfully consider adoption.
If that is not part of God's plan for you 
please consider advocating and praying for those left behind.

Here are beautiful twin boys from Children's Home Society and Family services located in St Paul MN.

You can read more about them on my side bar!
Adoption is not always easy.
You are stepping out in faith...
Faith that the Lord will help you every step of the way.
HE will not leave you and HE will give you the strength that you need.

Every child needs a home.
They need a parent or parents.
The need someone to love them and care for them.

Don't be afraid of a diagnosis,
No matter how scary it sounds.
Behind every diagnosis is a precious child of God's!
These two dear boys are not their diagnosis - muscular dystrophy, they are little boys that need a Mommy and a Daddy.
Remember, it's God's child and HE is asking you to care for them- for the orphans.
Put your trust in the Lord and HE will give you the strength!

My friend met this dear boy and fell in love with him.
She so desperately wants him to have a family because-
He needs a family to survive. . . to live. . .
He has scoliosis and needs medical help now.
He is a delightful little boy with a good sense of humor and a sweet disposition.

He is available through Children's Home Society and Family Services in St Paul.
His name is Ming

I liked this little guy the moment I saw his picture.
He sounds like a wonderful boy and his information is also on my sidebar.

I think he could fit into almost any family!
His special need seems quite easy to handle.

He is available through CHSFS, also!

WE met him and we loved him!
Because we have 4 girls around his age we feel that he would not be a fit for our family.
BUT. . .
could he be a fit for your family?
I think he will soon be 13 yrs old.
The clock is ticking... once he is 14 he can no longer be adopted.

He is Hunter and his file is with Lifeline.

He is athletic and a really nice boy!
His friend was just adopted a week ago.
He is truly his age(if not younger), we saw him and he has not matured yet.

Oh my... my heart hurts for the little boy in the green and grey sweater.
He is Madeline's BFF and he was so sad in this picture because she was leaving.
He made a card for her but didn't want to give it to her- probably thinking maybe she won't go if I don't give it to her...
He is 5 years old and he needs a family to love and care for him.
He is with Lifeline as Heath.

Please consider one of these incredible little boys and or any waiting child.
Your family will learn and grow in their love for the Lord through adoption 
one more child will be rescued!

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