Thursday, August 16, 2012

Simple Ways to Update any Room (Part 3)

It's time for Part 3 of the "Simple Ways to Update any Room" series inspired by House Beautiful. Check out Part 1 and Part 2 if you've missed those.

Just a reminder again to please pin from the original source.

  • Conquer your fear of flower arranging. Anybody can arrange one type of flower in one color, cut short. Buy twice as many as you think you should — too much of a good thing always works with flowers. Put any extra stems in small glasses. 
Just spend a few minutes searching on pinterest for flower arrangements and you'll be overloaded with beautiful arrangements and fillers. Here's just a few:
  • Take a white garden bench and paint it the color of your favorite flower.
You can't go wrong with whatever color you choose in this aspect. Mother nature has a way of coming up with the most beautiful, vibrant colors so no matter what your favorite flower is, your bench is sure to come out lovely. And if white happens to be your favorite color flower, then go for it!
  • Put a real rug, not a bathroom rug, in front of your bathroom sink. It will hold up just fine.
I never even thought about this, but I think it's a great idea and apparently very popular! I can't say for certain that the rugs in the images below are not "bathroom" rugs, but I can most definitely say that they'd all go well in other rooms of a house.
Source (Traditional Bathroom design by Atlanta General Contractor Dresser Homes)

  • Take a wallpaper you've always secretly wanted — but were afraid the pattern was overwhelming. Paper only the wall behind your bed, like a headboard.
This is a great way to get some wallpaper up in a cost-efficient way since you're only putting it on one wall. Then you don't have to feel so bad splurging on a pattern you love!
  • Open that coffee table book! Instead of displaying the cover, open it wide to your favorite page and let it really take over your coffee table.
There are some beautiful coffee table books out there with exceptional photography. I know there's a big trend to cut out pages from books and frame them in a grouping (check out part 1 of this series), but there is something to be said for leaving things as-is and keeping a coffee table book as simply a coffee table book. By leaving books open, it encourages us to flip through them so this is a perfect idea for family photobooks as well.
What was your favorite tip? Are you inspired to apply any of these to your home? I'm loving the rug in the bathroom idea - what a great way to add some new color and texture!

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Linking up:
Serenity Now | It's Overflowing | Beneath My Heart

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