Thursday, July 26, 2012

When they take God out of the story...

(Please go to previous post for book review and GIVEAWAY!)

Now onto the STORY!

Hubby and I were at a gathering and many people were asking us about the wedding.

For us the wedding was one of the most wonderful experiences we have EVER had!

It was so amazing and God was so present that even trying to describe it in words is so inadequate...

It was a blessed and joyous event!

As we mingled and talked with old friends it became more and more apparent to me-
That God was being taken out of the event.

Each time I told the story I praised him and talked about the miracle of the rainbow and the answered prayer regarding the reception.
BUT more and more I found my audience wasn't buying it.

God wasn't part of the story they wanted to hear.

They wanted to know what went wrong and how awful that was and that our venue should have handled it differently 
"weren't we just freaking out?"...




We were NEVER freaking out. 


We also knew we had a wonderful, christian woman as our wedding planner!

My question was - 
Okay God, so what a you thinking?
Will it be somewhere else? Will we end up at the ballgame for brats and beer? Maybe another country club or a town hall?  Will the power go on or will the generator work?

We were never mad, freaked out or upset...
HIS PEACE was always upon us!
We were just praying to HIM and wondering what HIS answer was going to be?

This little incident was a way for us to see how GREAT HE IS! For us to see HIM at work! For HIM to shed HIS peace on us. For us to show our trust in HIM. AND for this young couple to see how MIGHTY our GOD is!

And it made for a great great story!

Until someone wanted to take HIM out of the story.

If ya take God out of the story...
there is NO story!

On a side note!

This time it was Sam's turn to come to Abby's transfusion with us!
We always have fun!

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