Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Feelings, Nothing more than feelings...

Oh my... Today is a day with lots and lots of feelings.
(Do you remember that song? Feelings, nothing more than feeling yadda yadda yadda!)

I am opening some of their wedding gifts without them... makes me very sad...
It was so much fun watching them open their gifts and seeing their excitement and energy for their future! 

Andrew and Katie have safely arrived in Germany. Praise the Lord!

My visa debit card number and info was stolen and someone in California has been trickling money out of our account since the beginning of July... it's so frustrating... ugh... Our bank caught it before too much damage was done...praise the Lord!

We have some other really cool news that I can't share right now... but stay tuned! Another praise the 

It's going to take us a little while to find our new normal again. The wedding has either been the focus or in the back of our minds all.the.time! Now it is over and time for this Momma and the littles to get back into everyday life. They are used to going going going and we need to s.l.o.w.  d.o.w.n. a bit! We have quite a few things that we have left undone that need to get done! My energy is a bit zapped but praying I'll get it back soon! 

The wedding was so incredible and God was so present BUT I made a mistake...
I should have had more friends and family snapping pics. I have nothing more than what I showed you already and I am so bummed about it...
Next post is on God's presence at the wedding! I also have to warn you to lower you photo expectations...

I needed to be the hostess not the photographer. Yes, we did have a professional photographer and videographer BUT those won't be ready for a long time- 6-8 weeks AND I love snapshots. Ugh... what was I thinking??? I am going to try to round up a few pics but who knows what I will be able to get??

Breathe, Pray, Breathe, Pray

On Monday Morning we took them to the airport and



It was very hard to say goodbye and once we did...

the tears flowed...

Please know that we are very excited for them and think this will be an awesome growth opportunity, faith opportunity and adventure for them!

Please Pray for Andrews safety and for the two of them as they begin married life together in Germany!

Thank you!!

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