Saturday, May 26, 2012


50 Birthday wishes! 
Gals, you out did yourself- THANK YOU!!

You definitely made my day!

Along with this crew!

The weather held out and we were able to go boating!

All of the  children we so excited!!
Especially Abby and Luke- it was their first time on a boat!

Emma volunteered to wear the not as pretty life vest- thank you Emma!
We will get another pretty one soon!

Daddy went fast and all the children giggled and held on tight!

There was a lot of seat switching going on!

We had snacks on the boat!

It was such a delightful outing with the children!

These two newbies are doing so well! I am amazed!
We serve an incredible God!
Abby is beginning to learn her colors and numbers 1-5.  Her fine motor skills are greatly improving!
Luke is running around, climbing and jumping on the tramp now!
He is as smart as can be and he has a great sense of humor.
They are both adorable!

Our blessings are abundant as you can see!

They are both so cute and have found their place in the family!

We went boated to the Fletchers for lunch!
It is a fun restaurant on the lake!

It was the first time the children have been there!

I was a little nervous as the children walked along the dock to the boat.
The other people eating lunch were watching them for entertainment.
I know they expected at least one of them if not more... to fall in the water!

We are always getting questions like-
 What is a dock?
What is a...
They often ask the simplest question, that we take for granted.

I had a very happy birthday!
And a delightful day!
All the big kids that couldn't join us called with birthday wishes!
I miss them and it was so good to hear from them!

Thank you Jesus for a great day and so many blessings!


thank you for your birthday wishes!!

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