Sunday, May 20, 2012

Busy, but in a good way!

May always seems to be a busy month!
This year it is busier than ever for our family!

Katie and I are entrenched in wedding plans! Praise God they are all going well!
There are so many details in planning a wedding and then when we add in 8 wonderful little children...
it makes it even that much more challenging!

Yes, I am aware of my exclamation marks! And, if I wasn't my dear Kate would point them out!

We picked up Anna, Ava and Abby's dresses- they were adorable! Still waiting on Sarah, Emma and Ellie's dresses.
Sam and Luke will need to get mini tuxes and we are waiting for the bride and groom to pick out the style...

Yes, I am hinting to the bride and groom!

Along with all the BIG plans our normal life goes on.
Sam, Anna and Ava are now red stripers and will moving onto the big kids program very soon.

Luke and Abby are expressing an interest in karate.
When they first came home they wanted nothing to do with it.
I feel like it is a sign of improved health, confidence and bonding.
It is so cute watching them practice and teach each other!

Luke is 6 plus weeks post op and doing fantastic!
He is running around, climbing and commenting on how fast he is!
We will hopefully get them started in karate after the wedding.

We never have been big karate people but it has been so good for our newly adopted children.
It helps with muscle development, self control, respect and brian development (memory with coordination) as they learn and put together the moves. It is not overly competitive or threatening to them in any way.
So for now it is working for us and them!

PLUS, they are just so cute!
and proud of their accomplishments!

Sarah is in advanced blue belt and Ellie is a blue belt.

We went to the play "Where the Mountain Meets the Moon".
It was more advanced for the children but they still loved it!!
We had purchased the book and intended to read it but... I lost it and it is nowhere to be found!
No worries, I put it in a very special place! AND we will figure out where that special place is A.W.

that means "after the wedding"!

Another big event is Johnny's graduation!
I have been doing fine with it until I heard the song "Forever Young" and pictured our boy as a kindergartener. 
The tears came...
They grow up way to fast as far as I am concerned...

Today was the baccalaureate mass and it was wonderful!
In two weeks will be the graduation ceremony.

After the mass we went to Johnny's friend grad party.
He has the nicest friends!
We have been blessed by these wonderful big kids!
They love our new little children!

We had a few rules before we arrived!
No hovering over the food.
When you see Carter say, "Congratulations Carter"!

(they asked, WHY? So cute!)

No running around, use your best manners!

The kids were GREAT!


Sarah and Hubby went to the last cotillion gathering.
They had so much fun together and they even danced!

God has been so good to us!
It is a busy time of our lives and HE has provided us peace!
I pray my way through each day and I know who is in control!

I am so thankful to HIM!

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