Monday, May 7, 2012

First Look at the Veggie Garden

I've mentioned several times recently that the kids and I have designated this spot next to the porch as the future home of our veggie garden. It gets a decent amount of sun and I like that it is tucked away in its own little corner.

Well, I finally put my money where my mouth is and got to work. To be honest, my hubby did most of the digging because it was taking me forever! We planted zucchini, carrots, snap peas, cucumbers and a pepper plant.

The pepper plant came from Home Depot - it was a Bonnie Plant that you just tear the bottom off the container that it comes in and plant the whole thing in the ground.

The rest were Burpee seeds from Target.

And it's only been a week since everything was planted and look - sprouts! The kids are thrilled and I'm just happy that some of the seeds took. This is our first year doing it and I was concerned that I planted things too close together, but something is going right!

We have a lot of deer and rabbits (and other hungry animals) that like to eat flowers and other plants in our neighborhood so that's why we put that fence around the garden. I know it's not tall enough to really stop the deer, but I also got a deer repellent spray that is safe for vegetable plants that I will use once the plants get a little bigger. From what I've learned about it, the spray gives off a really bad odor so the animals don't want to get close and eventually learn to stop coming back. It got good reviews online so I'm hoping it is effective.

Have you planted a garden this year? What are you growing - vegetables or flowers? Any tips to keep unwanted visitors away? Please share!

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