Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Twist...

Abby's Hematologist called this morning.
After looking closer at her previous bone marrow biopsy and consulting with other doctors they are beginning to have new thoughts...

Other possibilities, more questions, possible options...

It is God at work. 
Some thing inside of me feels hopeful and momentarily giddy.

It may not change her need for a bone marrow transplant BUT it may give us the time we need to heal her liver and rid her body of as much iron as possible.

Abby situation is not textbook by any means.
It is rare and may be unprecedented-
meaning the research is being done...

in Boston...

I don't understand it all and at the time of the phone call I couldn't even think of any descent questions.

It didn't seem like the time for questions.

It seems like the time for prayers.

And more answers will come

in time.

for now I am feeling hopeful for her, for us,
for her future.

We will be sending more blood to Boston for more genetic testing and for research.

They mentioned high doses of vitamin B6 and continued chelation and possible future bone marrow transplant. 

Please say prayers!
HE hears you!!

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