Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcoming 2014!

We had our own little celebration yesterday!

Spaghetti dinner- which is one of their favorite dinners!

Madeline had her tonsils and adenoids out on the 30th so she spent the day resting.
She joined us when she could.
She is  slowly recovering and doing very well!

We are watching her closely- encouraging fluids, regular pain meds, minimal activity, soft foods as tolerated and lots of love!
Our friend Sally's daughter ended up back in the hospital with a bleed after her tonsils were out and our Anna had the same thing after a palate repair.
We are not taking any chances!

We put puzzles together and played games!

I LOVE doing puzzles with the children!
It has always been one of my favorite activities!

Then we watched a family movie!
Three kiddos didn't make it to the later celebration- they fell asleep!
Sweet dreams Madeline, Luke and Joey!

The rest of us partied!

With party hates!

And noise makers!

We counted down the seconds!

And then we made lots of noise!

We may have celebrated an hour early!
Because we did it on New York time!

Everyone had sparking cataba juice!
I don't think Ben liked it that much ;-)

BUT Ava and...

Anna and...

Abby did!

Then we went outside in 10 below zero weather and shouted to the world-


And no one heard us, which was just fine with us!
Because it was still really really fun!

Wishing you a wonderful 2014!

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