Thursday, January 16, 2014

Really, Really Good News!

I thought I was 56 and I just found out I am 55 yrs old!
I am feeling so very young and energetic!

Hubby thinks it's a good thing that I am so busy I have no idea how old I am or how young I am!

More Good news!
Today is our 32nd anniversary!
We had a nice leisurely lunch together!
It was so much fun just spending time with the man of my dreams!
We talked about how amazingly wonderful the first 32 years have been and that we hope and pray to have another 32 years together! It just so happened that our waitress just celebrate her 54th wedding anniversary- good job Mary and hubby!


We went to the airport and met the cutest little Mommy to be!
She flew in from Germany!
It is so wonderful having her HOME!
What a great anniversary gift!

There was quite the welcoming committee!

All the children are so excited to see Katie and her baby bump!

She was treated to a back rub and lots of love from her younger siblings!

So thankful she is home- it has been much too long!
(We miss you Andrew)

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