Thursday, January 9, 2014


Of my blog lately.
So sorry I have been spacing out my posts.

Life with 13 children at home, three big boys that come and go, a pregnant daughter(and son in love) in Germany- excitedly planning for the baby and a son(and daughter in love to be) happily planning a wedding in Denver has made it a bit busy around here!

Hi guys!
Ahhhhh, you're a bit late!
New Years Eve was 10 days ago!
But… there's always a reason to party around here!

I love that we have so many kitchen helpers!

We have enough salad making volunteers to last us the rest of 2014!

With everyone pitching in at mealtime it makes it so much easier!

Billy has started his new job!
He just finished with his masters in taxation and after their trip to Germany, it was back to reality!
We have loved seeing him more often and having him be available to help us out now and then 
that's over now that he is working.

First time using the grill outside!
No matter what the temp hubby loves his grill!

FYI- it was way below zero so the steaks took a little longer but they were wonderful!
And the cooks weren't even frostbit!

We love these puzzle trays to help us sort our puzzle pieces!
I recommend them IF you like puzzles!

This is our first 1000 pc puzzle!
It was soooo much fun!
Ellie consistently worked on it with me while other children came and left.
I am proud of her for sticking to it and continually trying!
She was very patient!

Sarah and Mia joined us half way through and finished it up!
Emma joyfully watches us and joins in the fun!

We let them stay up late to work on it!

This was such a cool puzzle because it is different than the picture on the box!
It's called "Something's AMISS" and they are so right- scenes were mixed around, colors changed, people in different clothing, weather scenes switched around and more!

This was our second puzzle of the vacation.
600 pc world with countries in their correct shape.
It taught me a thing or two(or 100) about geography.
The kids loved it!
Mia, Ava, Ellie, Sam, Anna and Melissa worked on this one!
They are my second graders and we are doing some geography and studying America!

Someone came up to our door selling birds eye view photos of the homes in the area!
So we bought one of our home!
It was taken in the fall- a pretty time of year!

Sylvia is fantastic but she is a beast!
(Sorry honey!)
She is easy to drive and handles beautifully!

BUT parking her is another story!
I don't even know what's legal when it comes to a vehicle like this?

We finally have our handicap sticker and now we have a vehicle too big for any handicap spot…

any thoughts on how to legally park one of these things?

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