Sunday, January 5, 2014


This is Hunter.
He ages out in April.

He is a "for real" orphan.
Meaning his age was not modified in any way.
You will not get to China and find out you are adopting a man or a child with parents.

We met him when we adopted Madeline.
We liked him right away!
There is something very special about him.
He just seems like a boy that would be easy to love and he would make a wonderful son.

Please consider this dear boy...
Please don't let him age out...

He played basketball with our son Mark.
And he was quite good!
He has a natural coordination and can also dance!

He has hypospadous- it's correctable.
He is so much more than this special need…

He needs a family who can move quickly to bring home before he ages out.

He lives in Guangdong Province.

He is a wonderful little boy and he desperately needs a family!

You can see his video at the link below!

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