Sunday, May 26, 2013

Our Decision For Abby

(Abby's Atheletes)

Last weekend we walked for 
Be The Match!

We walked in the pouring rain!
It was fun, adventurous and WET!
The kids got medals!
Mark and some of his friends ran the 5K!
We walked the 1K ;-)

We all got T shirts!
The weather cleared up later in the day!

Even though we have decided not to proceed with a bone marrow transplant for Abby are still very supportive of the cause!

It can be a 

for  so many people.

(Our stair steps!)

We heard from many of you regarding a BMT for Abby-
 whether it was prayers, advice, thoughts- it was all so helpful.

I had been leaning toward doing a BMT and Hubby was thinking just the opposite.

Through much prayer, through your responses and NHBO post 

made it clear!

We will not proceed with a BMT to improve Abby's quality of life.

It is too risky.

Abby is HAPPY in every way!

For her, getting a blood transfusion every 3 weeks is normal.
And it is a - just fine normal!
Actually is it better than a just fine normal!
It is a great normal!

We need to be so so so so

thankful for this normal!

One year ago we thought Abby's condition was pre cancer and leukemia was imminent.

Now, a potentially deadly illness is no longer looming over her.
Now, she is free 
and all we need to do is to plan for a 5 hour visit to the hemoc clinic every 3 weeks.
We can do that!

If Abby's situation changes 
and the LORD shows us that we need to move forward with a BMT
we would proceed.

Thank you to all of you who have prayed and responded 
And to the thallasemia group for letting me join!

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