Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Fabulous Birthday!

So very thankful for this extra large and crazy family!

In the morning we had coffee in the porch and visited with the children!

Then Katie and I went shopping!
I don't get much opportunities to go shopping so it was quite fun!

We would have loved to have gone to the pool but the MN weather did not cooperate...

The party started after 5:00 church!
It was so wonderful to have 15 of the 18 children there!

The new children love looking at pics of the big kids when they were young!

And dear Katie plunked away at the piano with a captive audience in tow!

Time to open gifts! 

They were all so proud of the pictures that they made for me!
The big boys gave me flowers and Godiva chocolate pretzels!

Our time chatting in the porch is the best part!

Thank goodness we have many laps to sit on!

 All of the children seem to be doing very well!

It is nice to be at the 4 month marker!
Mia's adjustment has gone very well. Every once in a while I will see her far away in thought. 
I am sure she is thinking about her past life.
Even if it wasn't such a great place, it was home to her...

Sarah and Mia have a great bond and a lot of fun together!

Ellie is once again comfortable with her place in the family.
At first adding a new sister near her age was a little threatening but now she seems settled with the changes and happy with making her our decisions instead of being a follower.

In time Mia will make more of her own decisions too but for now she is following Sarah a lot.
With more time and once her(Mia) language skills improve she will no longer need that security.

And the next thing we know Mark is getting a new hairdo!

Katie is getting a shoulder rub!

Johnny is getting a massage!

It was a fantastic day!

Thank you Jesus for a great birthday!!!

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