Friday, May 17, 2013


Our Boys!

We are so thrilled that they will be joining our family!!

This little guy stole my heart almost a year and a half ago.
I saw him on Sonia's blog and couldn't get him out of my mind!

His special need is one we are very familiar with and very comfortable with...
in fact we are passionate about these children!
Innocent victims through no fault of their own and still ostracized by others who are uneducated about this special need.

We were already working with our agency and the other agency could not transfer the file until they gave it an "all american" try to find a family for him through their agency (nothing wrong with that).
We were then notified that they would transfer his file 
one week after we were committed to our three darling daughters-
Mia, Melissa and Madeline.
Of course I felt a twinge in my heart because I thought we had missed him but we were thrilled with God blessings (our daughters) and moved on.

Months later our agency obtained his file!
BUT we were in NO position to move forward...

Feeling like we had missed out on him, we gave it to God and prayed for him.
we watched him...
Two separate times families came forward.
We prayed for him and his potential new family and for peace for us.

the situation changed and the family was not able to bring him home.

Days before his file was to be returned to China we got the go ahead to submit our LOI for him!
Truly, this was planned perfectly by OUR LORD!
We were thrilled and oh so thankful!!

He is just 4 months older than Luke! But to be honest I think he has a Sam personality!
There is such peace in our hearts knowing he is our son!

there is more good news!!

This sweet boy has waited over 3 years for a family.

(this is an old picture of him but it was the one that others used to advocate for him- he was known as Max on the advocating sites)

Three years ago when I saw his picture and he was only a 4 yr old-
He took my breath away!
His special need was 
a tough one 

we weren't up for it...
I advocated for him on my blog and on other sites.
He needed a family and 
he needed to get out of the orphanage in order to have any kind of future. . .
I prayed for him in hopes his family would find him soon!

once or twice he almost had a family but it just didn't work out.

He continued to wait and wait and wait...

One day I was helping Sam in the bathroom-
 it is actually very bonding helping your kids in the bathroom.
Although Sam is doing great with his repaired IA... 
accidents happen...

My mind wandered to this other little boy and I said to myself
I just can't do that special need...

And by golly, a voice answered me...

"Yes you can!"

I paused and smiled!

"Hold it...
Your right!
I can do it."

it's not really me doing it,
it's you God, that will do it.
Through YOU all things can be done!
Through you, I can do it!

I was quite thrilled with this new information and shared it with hubby as soon as he got home.

And the man who said many times "no" to this special need...
immediately said 
(and then with a big smile he said "Are you surprised?")
YES, I was 
No, I wasn't...
Because with GOD, anything is possible!

Well, that was awesome,
except now we needed approval from our agency to adopt 2 at a time!

Praise the Lord they were very kind and discussed it at a meeting.
A couple weeks later, we had their approval and full support!

Knowing that if he was ours, his file would still be available- 
if he was taken, then that was God's plan.

As it turned out his file was available, getting dusty and hidden somewhere on the shared list.

We sent in questions but accepted his referral before getting the answers back...
we already had all the answers we needed!

He is 3 months older than Sam. It wasn't originally our plan to bring home another darling with a 2006 birthdate BUT it was our God's plan!
(I'm going to have a large home school graduation class!)
In fact he just turned 7 yrs old last Monday.
We sent him a cake to celebrate!
He seems to be a bit more like Luke!

We are praising God and so happy to share our good news with you!

Friends, there are so many treasures hidden on the shared list!
If you are wanting to adopt a special needs kiddo 
join the advocacy yahoo group,
check out ,
go to wonderful waiting kids ,
visit coleman bunk beds ,
and there are many more wonderful sites to see the children and to find your child! 
They are there... waiting for you!

Yes, we will be playing the "name game"!
I am counting on YOU to help us!
We have one of their names but we need to find our other son's name! 

We are looking forward to your help!!

Praising GOD for our bio children(and their amazing spouses and significant others), our children that are home and our waiting children!

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