Tuesday, May 14, 2013

One More Time...

Although we have 11 home from China, Hubby and I still feel the call...

to go back




 (the pics are from a walk we toke with the children a couple weeks ago)

There are days that are so busy I wonder how it will all work 
but each and every time God figures out a way.

 (teaching the children how to skip stones)

HE helps us to focus on what is really important...
And it's not the messy garage
the unorganized closets
the laundry that needs to get done
the cards I have not been able to send
the fact that winter may come again before I can even get the summer clothes out.

 (Mia worked hard at it and she skipped a stone)

No, that is not what is important.

It's all about the children.

(Sam kept asking- can we stop and skip stones! He is such a boy! It turned out to be so much fun and three more children learned how to skip stones!)

HIS children
That don't have parents.
That are aching for LOVE.
That are in desperate need of someone to care for them.
The children that need to hear HIS words.

We have seen HIS miracles happen within our own home.
AND through other families that have stepped out in faith and brought children into their home.
I never tire of God's miracles.
It is uplifting and energizing!

Everyday we see HIM in their eyes-
the delight in the sprouting green grass and brightly colored tulips!
The wondering if Daddy's is going to make it upstairs to kiss them goodnight,
the happiness on their faces as we fix them a good meal,
the fact that they ask every Saturday "Are we going to church?" and we wouldn't dare say no to them!
The smile they are hiding when they have done a good job on their school work.
Their helpful attitude, 
the fears and concerns they share as we talk with them.
The walks we take "as a family".

And it is not just their lives that have been forever changed.
The fact that the big bio children can no longer stand the injustices of the world when it comes to 
the  orphans.
I can't tell you how many children they just want to 
"go get"!
They have seen the changes that the Lord has done within their siblings.

A child getting the medicine they need, 
the surgical procedure that helps them,
the cavities that have turned into beautiful white teeth!

(Emma fixed Ann's hair for the day ; - )

It just NEVER gets old!

Every day God shows us why we are doing what we are doing...
I could go on and on and on.


God has been so gracious to allow us to bring these children home and love them.

It make me smile as I hear so many darlings call me MOM!
The joy fills my soul!
Why God? Why have you blessed us so abundantly! 
It brings me to my knees in gratitude.

So one more time we will head back to China to meet our sweet blessings and bring them HOME!

I just gave you a hint ;-)

Of course
right now we have more information than you do
I promise we will share...


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