Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Thoughts From The Tiki Hut

Hubby and I figured out that it has been a long long long time since just the two of us went away together. Usually when we leave home it is for a purpose, we are visiting one of our older children or they are with us.
This time it was just us and we have enjoyed this special time.
What makes it even more wonderful is that we know our dear children are waiting for us at home!

We have had time to reflect on how God has steered our lives and how very present He has been.
I am thankful that we can share our love for the Lord.
It has been the basis of most of our conversations
(okay- except when we strayed and talked about buying a place right here and right now. That, we knew wasn't God's perfect timing but our desires ;-) 

We have talked about desiring more prayers and fasting in our lives. Taking more issues, concerns and decisions to HIM.
About accepting his gifts of peace and love.
The world was beginning to take a hold of me. I could feel myself straying from his peace and instead accepting the craziness that this world has to offer as the norm.

I don't want to be in control and I don't want to let the world control me.
Instead I desire HIM to control my destiny and my job is to love HIM, serve HIM and rest in HIS peace.
To trust HIM as my guide in this world and faithfully know HE will never leave me.

My own plans were destroying this beautiful time and season. I was praying and praying for the Lord to come in and help me. 
Well He has and for that I am so thankful!
I do not want to return home and fall back into "the stress".
I pray to return home and bring what I have learned back to our family.

I am now reading the book "GIFTS of GRACE" by Lone Jensen.
It is a gathering of personal encounters with the Virgin Mary.
I have seen so many miracles in my short life. I believe in God's presence in this world. I believe He can move mountains, I have seen it done.
Prayers and fasting speak to our Lord.
Praying to others that have gone before us to petition for us is important.
The Virgin Mary is for everyone not just Catholics.
She is the Divine Mother.
I feel a deep need to be close to her.
I have a need to gain her motherly wisdom and for her help as I mother many very special children.
Being a mother is my greatest joy but I can always find room for improvement.
I do not worship the Virgin Mary - I worship only the one true GOD and thank HIM for sending his only Son so that we may have eternal life through HIM.
BUT- I am respectful and reverent to the Virgin Mary and I do desire her in my life as the Divine Mother of Jesus.

Hubby and I have been able to have (start and actually finish- which if your a parent you will appreciate) wonderful conversations on our faith, our love for the Lord, the path that he has directed us on and the path he has set for us in the future.
We both feel a need to pray over the last part of that sentence.
that doesn't mean we have to move to follow him. What I mean where does he want us to put our energy, our God given talents, our prayers, future donations, etc.
To me that is a mystery?

We have heard his call to adopt and it is and has been an amazing journey.
In fact it fit completely within how we would have chosen to serve him- it is such a BLESSING!
We don't know if that part is done or not?
We do know it will come to an end because at some point "rules" will no longer allow us to adopt.
Already the door has closed to adopting from most countries.

So Lord here we are-
 What do you desire from us?

Praising God under the Tiki Hut!

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