Monday, December 3, 2012

Our Oldest Adoption

Sometimes I question older child adoption ?

I wondered if our Mia was part of... the scandal?

Before Mia,
 our oldest adoption was at 8 yrs old- Sarah and Ellie.
Emma was 10, however she was profoundly cognitively disabled, 
it was a different situation than most adoptions.
I do plan to post an update on Emma, soon.

So I asked our children what they think?

Are they happy to be home OR do they miss China and everything about it?

And there is...


They are so thankful to...

They do not remember their family from while they were in China.

Actually, I sometimes wonder if Emma does?
I get mixed messages from her regarding her memories.
Whatever memories she may have...
they are NOT happy memories.

one thing is for certain... 

 of our children wishes they were back in their native country.

to be home!

with US!

And, I am so thankful for that!

Mia has many friends that are home now.
I am guessing she is getting ready for the transition.

of them are HAPPY to be HOME
and to have a FAMILY!

Our children at home, want parents, they want love, they want to learn, to experience life, to love others, to know about Jesus, to love GOD and pray freely.

I am praying that Mia will desire this also.

She will be our oldest adoption.
She is currently 11 yrs old.
We hope to make her 10 yrs old 
have learned from other families.
that it will be very difficult...

Praying for her adjustment and for the adjustment of our other new daughters, as well as those at home!

We have never adopted a child Mia's age (11 yrs old) or older, so our experience is limited.

The challenges are great- what ever the age of the child and even greater when they are older.
Our God is faithful and will not leave us in times of need. 
In fact,
 THAT is when he is closest to us.

Praying for all the adjustments as our time grows NEAR!

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