Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Without a Dishwasher...

After being used 2 times every day for only 6 years, she broke...
Of course she had a 5 year warranty!
 Of course!

So we are washing the dishes the old fashion way!
Believe it or not we have never done this but we are actually enjoying it!

(We're the kinda family that puts everything in the dishwasher!)

Turns out, her control panel is shot and she won't get fixed for awhile...
we need to order the parts
receive the parts
have a Merry Christmas and then schedule an appointment ;-)
I am stayin positive, oh yes I am!
It'll be
maybe 1-2 weeks...

We have the dishwashing crew in place and many others that are more than eager to help!

Uh, yes, we have found out once again that "glass breaks"!

The kids love Little House on the Prairie so I'm using that as my analogy!
You agree, right?

We are roughin it!
Really roughin it!

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