Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Girls Bedrooms! (Updated)

Mia will room with Sarah, Emma and Ellie!
Her dresser is in the middle.
Emma is on the left and Ellie is on the right.
Sarah's dresser is in the closet.
We got these from Hayne*dle on line!

Mia will sleep on the top bunk above Sarah. 
Ellie is across from her and Emma is in the pink on the bottom bunk.

We were very thankful that the room easily fit all 4 beds!

*disclaimer- we just had cleaning ladies at our house before taking the photos! NO, their rooms do NOT always look like this! In fact I took the pic before even letting one child walk into the room!

I think this should work out well for Mia and our other big girls.
Some of the children from her orphanage have been afraid of the dark but since she is with the other girls and we have a night light on throughout the night, we are hoping she will be okay with this arrangement!

We are beginning to pack her suitcase!
I have felt so peaceful about this adoption and have not been in a rush BUT now that Christmas is over we just want to get her (them) HOME!

Melissa and Madeline will room with Ava, Anna and Abby.
Because the girls are so close in age and size we have decided to just label the drawers regarding the sizes and not specific children's names.
They also have a dresser in the closet.

I do have pink masking tape and will relabel them when  have time (hahahaha).
Okay, I really do have pink masking tape but the joke was "when I have time ;-)"!

Abby is in the single bed, Ava is on top in the green and Anna is on top in the pink!

 Melissa will be on the bottom(middle) in the green.  

 Madeline will be on the bottom (right) in the pink.

I'd like to say we are ready BUT is one ever ready to have three daughters join their family!
So instead I will say we are as ready as we will ever be!

Soooo, bring 'em on!

China, here we come!

The boys are doing great in their room!
Sleeping well and bonding!

They love their space! And more boy toys have been added into the room since Christmas!
(not pictured)

There is just one thing missing...

Another boy...
That's another post...

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