Monday, June 18, 2012

The Name Game!

 I love the name game! 
I have played it ALL MY LIFE! 
With dolls, with marbles, with color crayons.
(different families were different colors!)
Kinda weird, I know but... it's me!

And only God knew that someday...
 we would be playing it... a... lot
and in real life!

Here are some of the options that we are thinking about!

Madeline Mary- Maddie
Madeline Rose - Maddie
Charlotte -         Lottie
Margaret Mary - Maggie
Harriette Mary - Hattie
Jennifer- Jen, Jenna or Jenny

There are so many names I love but since we already have 13-14 names picked out some have to be crossed off the list immediately because of how they sound with the names we already have.

I love Nellie but we have Ellie
I love Milly but we have Billy
I love Elizabeth (Lizzie) but we have Abigail Elizabeth.
I love AnnaBelle and Analise BUT we have ANNA...

Which bring me to another issue...
Madeline is one of my FAVORITES!
I would love to call her Maddie BUT we have a Matthew and I sometimes call him Matty, usually Matt...
SOOOO, would it be wrong for us to name a child Madeline/Maddie?
(It bothered our oldest son at first but now he seems okay with it- BUT I am gonna ask him again to make sure)

Oh My, Oh My, this is going to be very hard...

Let me know your thoughts!

We are thinking Mia will be Mia Christine YunKe but we could do Mary Christine and call her Mia.
(Which one do you like better for Mia?)

I may have to do two posts on this one...

The second one being a narrowed down version with choices 1, 2 and 3.

So to summarize- we actually have three questions-
1. What would be a great name for our new daughter (pic above)?

2. Should we do Mia Christine or Mary Christine? (pic above)

3. Can I still have a Maddie if I have a Matthew/Matt/ Matty(he's 28.5 yrs old)?

So for now 

Have at it 


please help us name our dear child!

Thank you!!

You are all so much FUN!!

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