Monday, June 11, 2012

And We Have Another...


Hubby, Johnny and I went to Denver for Mark's graduation!

There were 1200 students in his class and obviously we did NOT get the best seats!

BUT they were good enough for us!

We saw Mark walk in ;-)
At least we thought we did!
For half of the ceremony

We waved at him and called out!
The darn boy didn't even look our way!

Then I got a text from MArk!
He was on the far side, nowhere near us!

 we did see him get his diploma!

The speaker was amazing and gave an inspiring speech!

He spoke about-

1. Don't listen to others when deciding what is right for you. Don't let others make up your mind. Don't live up to someone else's expectations Follow your passion!
 2. Don't be afraid to fail because... you will fail. When you take risks and follow your dreams you will fail sometimes, there will be ups and downs. being adventurous and failing is better than living someone else's dream and ultimately being unhappy.
3. Always be optimistic! Be the person that always makes other feel better when they are around you!

Of course in all speeches I "enter in God" even if the speaker did not mention him. 
1. Don't listen to others, listen to God. He will take your talents, dreams and passions and use them in the most awesome way!
2. Don't be afraid! God is with you, he is right beside you, he is holding your hand or he is carrying you. Take risks for the Lord. Don't live a safe life where you never take a chance. Life a life of reckless abandon for the ONE who created you. Life a life where you NEED TO COMPLETELY LEAN ON HIM! 
Be ALL the HE intended you to be!
3. Always be filled with the joy of the Lord! Lift others up instead of tearing them down. Be positive in all you do!

It was such a blessed weekend to be able to be with Mark AND Matt and Caitlin!
We had SO MUCH FUN together!

Johnny happened to have a soccer tournament there- what a coincidence!!
BUT he was not feeling well- so was only able to play a little.

The graduates, families and their friends had a gathering in the evening!

It was such a fantastic weekend!!

Oh my, how I love these children!

After a wonderful weekend I was ready to head home.
Some time away is nice and refreshing but it doesn't take much away time and then I am ready to be back home with the little children!

Our flight was the furthest thing from relaxing. First we were ahead of schedule- yay. Then their was bad weather in Mpls- boo. So we had to go around the storm- okay. Then they tried to land for 45 minutes- not good with a wall cloud out my wondow. Then he aborted landing and got the heck out of the storm- whew, good decision. Then we flew around for awhile- okay. Then we were diverted to Green Bay, WI- okay. Then we refueled and returned to Mpls.- good. 
There were a few bumps on the way but we landed safe and sound- PRAISE THE LORD!


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