Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer Stuff, Abby Update and VBS

 I am so sorry it has been so long since I posted.
So much is happening here at our home with wedding prep and graduation party prep along with every day life! Which is actually quite full as I am sure you all know!!

We are asking for more prayers for Abby. She had a liver MRI and the results were discouraging.
Her liver is still FULL of iron. There has been no change since 4.5 months ago when we started the chelation process.
My heart sunk when I heard the news.
We were so hoping that her liver iron level would go down.

Next is a liver and bone marrow biopsy.
That will be done in July.
Praying and praying for some good news...

When we go in for her transfusions we bring a different sibling each time!
The other kids are excited to see where she what we do when we go in for a transfusion. Abby is excited to share in the fun with a sib and it makes her feel special!
We watch TV, watch movies, color, play with playdoh, read books, have a snack, eat lunch and play on the ipad!

Thank you God for making it a joyful experience!

We came home to children enjoying the summer weather and making the best of the heat!

Water is just so much fun!

Here is our version of a swimming pool!
Hey, it works!!

Last week the children went to vacation bible school!
It is a highlight of their summer!

Emma and Ellie were in different classes and it worked out great!!
The children there were very nice and helpful to Emma! Ellie was able to meet some new kids!

Ava and Anna attended a first grade class together!
Sam and Abby were in the kindergarten class together!

Sarah is the first "S" in Jesus!

Next year Luke gets to go and Sarah becomes a helper/ volunteer!
I look forward to our two new girls being able to attend!
We are still working on the names and will post on that soon!!

Hope you are enjoying your summer!

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