Friday, June 15, 2012

It's Time!

To spill!

We have been waiting for PA
it has finally arrived!

This sweet little girl will be coming home with Mia!
Her Chinese name is LingYing- it's so cute!
Ying Ying is her nickname!

We are so excited to have our two girls join our family!

She is 6.5 yrs old and will be 7 when she comes home.

WE have not decided on a name so we are looking to you dear bloggy friends to help us out!

Name game will be played soon so start thinking about it!

We had been looking for a boy but "our son" was not there or available to us.

We had looked at her file but didn't think she was ours.
However, God had other plans!

We prayed and prayed about it. Where is our child, God?
Where is he?

Then a month passed and she came to my mind.
I realized what on earth were we thinking- we needed to take a second look!
So thankful we did!

Reading her file and thinking about her brought us such peace. It felt so right!

Once again- We told God our plans and once again HE laughed!

AND then HE told us his!

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