Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Getting Settled and Enjoying Our First Day!

Nothing like breakfast at the park!
Especially when you don't have any groceries in your vacation home!

80's and sunny! 

Thankful to be here!

Ben wanted to climb that tree so bad... but with SB and a weak left leg he is lacking in confidence and strength.
Hubby helped him up and I took some pics- he was thrilled!

Our place is wonderful and perfect for us!

We spent part of the first day getting settled.

Groceries, googles, suntan lotion and we are good to go!

Let the FUN begin!

Lunch at poolside is a great way to start!

We have never had a pool all to ourselves- it's quite a treat!

Our non swimmers wear life vests 
Joey and Ben are thrilled with swimming!
This is a first for both of them!

Ben got out of the pool and in his broken English said
"I lika swimmin, thank you Momma, I lova you!"
I love you too, Ben! Good job!

Most of the kids are really good swimmers!
We just have 4 that need to wear flotation devices.

And guess who had a spa treatment!
From her cute little crew!

Yes, that would be ME and it was delightful!

I told them they could only put water on my feet- 
that quickly changed! 
I was completely soaking wet but very pampered and loved!

I was hoping this picture would turn out better- the sun had just set and I thought it would be okay to have it behind us.
Hubby was parking Sylvia and missed the sunset- sorry honey...

This was their first time to the beach for Ava, Sam, Abby, Luke, Mia, Melissa, Madeline, Ben and Joey!

Now, they all LOVE the beach!

Hanging out waiting for a table!
Literally, hangin out!

Our big girls!
Changing environments and schedule is a little hard on this crew.
They are enjoying every minute but they are not quite sure what we are going to do next and what they should be doing.
Especially Mia, who has only been home for one year.
It's not like bio kids or kids that have been home since they were young (Anna) or home for 5 yrs (Sarah) - our gang often needs to be told what to do or directed towards something they can do.

Ellie took the picture!
Thanks honey!

Still hanging out...

When we show up at a restaurant the hostess looks at us and thinks - 
Oh No!
Once we are done and they see how well it has gone they realize there was no reason to fear us!
I always gather all of the orders and simplify it for the waitress.
Ordering and serving goes smoothly!
The children do so well and often times they start to clean up after themselves!
It's just a habit for them!

Day one was wonderful!

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