Saturday, February 8, 2014

100 Days of Homeschool!

Friday marked our 100th day of school!
Sarah is actually a day ahead of us, so it was her 101st day of school!

We absolutely LOVE homeschooling for soooooo many reasons-
I guess that will have to be another post!

We start our day out together for Bible time.
During that time we pray as a family and listen to the bible story.

Once our helper arrives she takes the kindergarten class upstairs to "do school"!
I stay with the 2nd graders and Sarah.

We have been very diligent to get this far in school, especially with moving and adopting (in Nov/Dec)!

We are so thankful that things have gone as well as they have considering there has been a bit of stress.
BUT GOD, has not left us!
HE has paved the way and opened doors!

ALL of the children have worked so hard in school!
It is exciting to see the progress they have made!
While working on it day after day it seems slow BUT looking back at where we have come from it has been absolutely amazing!

Sarah works with Hubby a few evenings a week to correct and share her school work!
She LOVES that time with Dad and it is really a help to me, too!

Our Kindergarten group has 2 very special "english language learners" in it. Ben is catching onto English a little easier than Joey (also another post) but Joey is still young and new to "school".

We also have quite a few children with learning challenges.
Our kindergarten class will go through their curriculum an over an18 month period in hope that everyone will be able to "catch on"!

Luke is doing really well and even beginning to read however he isn't even old enough for kindergarten!
Another one of the many perks of homeschooling!

They are kind of fooling you right now- they usually do not pay this close of attention!
This group is highly active and figity ;-)

Since their schedule is a little different their art project is from… Thanksgiving ;-)
Oh well, it's fun to make Indian costumes anytime of the year!

They were all very proud of their art project!

When we have changed school districts and we no longer have bussing so we have decided to keep Emma home with us. 
She has transitioned back home very nicely.
Although she loved her other school she has told us that she would like to be homeschooled again instead of starting in a new district.

That works for us too!
It is nice to have everyone together and on the same schedule!

We have an afternoon of therapies, Homeschool YMCA gym and swim, and gymnastics every week!
Along with our many Dr appts.

We had our favorite lunch- ramen with eggs and chicken in it!
Then we had cupcakes from our favorite bakery to help us celebrate our 100th day of school!

They were delicious!

And truly a treat!

We have up to 70 more lessons but we often stop around 155 and let our other learning days be non textbook days such as plays, zoos, museums, etc!

So thankful to be able to homeschool and to have a wonderful comprehensive curriculum like ABeka!

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