Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Where's Luke?

Dinner was on the table and Luke was nowhere to be found?

We called and called for him!

But he didn't answer...

Of course it entered our mind... did we leave him someplace?

Once we established that "No, we did not leave him anywhere" we conducted a house search!

We found him under one of the desks in the school room!

Resting peacefully!
I guess our busy pace can wear a guy out!

Then it happened, again...
Everybody sat down for dinner... and we figured out we were missing someone!
Oh no? Where's Luke?
Whew, he is under the desk in the mudroom!

Awwww, sweet boy! 

Johnny used to do the same thing. We were busy with the older kids so he would just nap when he felt like it and where ever he wanted too! 

Hey! It works!

Don't we all wish we could do that?

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